Red Fan News

Red Fan Staff Spotlight: Callie Neatherlin

Callie Neatherlin, Senior Media Relations Manager: 

What drew you to Red Fan? I’ve known about Red Fan for years and have always been drawn to the type of culture, clients and services being reflected – all are something I wanted to be a part of with the team.

Why do you love what you do? This industry is something that keeps me on my toes, and is a career that constantly brings change.  I love meeting new people and working on different things every day.

What got you through the lockdown phase of the pandemic? We had a pool built and ready two weeks before the pandemic. As a mom of two, it was a game changer and life saver to have something so entertaining in our own backyard.

What do you do in your free time? Travel with my family and play tennis.

Favorite Austin activity/past time? Hiking and exploring the trails, trying new restaurants and indulging in favorite go-tos. Now that I’m in Dallas, my favorite activity is trying all of the restaurants because they are all “new” to me. 

What are you reading/listening to/watching these days?  Watching Stranger Things, Ozark, Outlander; Reading Verity and listening to any True Crime-related podcast there ever was!

What is one piece of advice that you’d offer to a company considering hiring a PR partner? Communication is key, more information is better than not enough.

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