
Red Fan’s response to coronavirus

To our friends and partners,

Every brand is now feeling the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak in some capacity. More so than ever, communicating clearly with your employees, customers, investors and other stakeholders is crucial to maintaining core business functions.

We’ve weathered crises before: the dotcom bust, 9/11, SARS, the 2008 financial crisis. Each is unique in its own way, but a universal truth remains: How we navigate through the challenges of the coming weeks and months will define us as businesses, decision-makers and communicators.

I’m writing to you today to let you know that Red Fan is ready. We have implemented the necessary protocols internally to provide our partners with the support they need while ensuring the health and safety of our staff and clients.

We are closely monitoring the news and updated guidance from the CDC, the World Health Organization, the federal government, local authorities and organizations so that we can continue to assist companies in effectively communicating their response plans.

Crises such as this one are extremely fluid and require accurate, frequent communications to your core stakeholders. We recommend working closely with your communications, HR and legal teams to develop a plan of action. There are a few best practices every brand can implement to lay the foundation for effective crisis communications. We’ve listed a few of them below:

–      Create a core team of decision-makers.

–      Establish the frequency at which you will update key stakeholders.

–      Prepare for media inquiries about your brand’s response plan and actions.

–      Consider releasing tiered internal communications notes to multiple employee levels that arm the right people with proactive messaging.

–      Update your website and other key communications channels with steps you’ve taken in response to the outbreak.

–      Coordinate with your HR teams to ensure you are offering tools and resources to your employees to help them manage stress and answer any questions they may have.

–      Explore creative ways to support sales and customers as in-person meetings and conferences are suspended or postponed.

If you’re wondering if you’re doing everything necessary to respond to and manage the fallout from the outbreak, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We want every brand to mitigate this crisis to the best of their ability while ensuring the health and safety of their employees and the public at large.

The only way we get through this is together.

Thank you,

Kathleen and the Red Fan team

For any inquiries, please email us at

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