Speakers to See During SXSW: Health & MedTech, Startups and Game Industry

Health & MedTech, Startups and Game Industry Edition

South by Southwest is an embarrassment of riches—thousands of speaking sessions, concerts and informal events happening all at once in the heart of Austin. So many great choices means attendees have to navigate which tracks and speakers are really worth their time, and which ones they can skip to hit an early happy hour. To make your life easier, Red Fan’s team of marketing experts (also Austin locals) has sorted through the sessions for you and made a few recommendations on can’t-miss events in each category.

This list is part of a larger SXSW series—check out the rest of our SXSW insider tips here!

Health & MedTech: Calling all healthcare professionals, medical students and anyone who knows their BPM by heart! The Health & MedTech Track provides an overview of how technological and social changes are shaping an industry that’s vital to our collective well-being. From technology-driven innovations to the spread of public health information via TikTok, health leaders will discuss the future of one of the world’s largest industries in locations across Texas’s Capital from March 10 to 13. With nearly 50 topics to choose from, sessions on our radar include the following:

Chatbots Say Artificial Intelligence Could Transform Healthcare (And They Should Know)

OpenAI’s ChatGPT will join healthcare experts as a “panelist,” pointing to the potential impact of AI and machine learning to improve health for humanity. For those curious about how AI will impact their next doctor visit or long-term patient care, this session answers questions about the difference that disruptive digital solutions can make, like opening the door for better support of historically underrepresented communities. The panel will be led by speakers from Next Ventures, Johnson & Johnson, The University of Texas at Austin and Sonavi Labs at the Austin Convention Center in room 5ABC on Saturday, March 11, from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m.

Digital Sedation: A New Alternative to Anesthesia

Turns out VR isn’t just for video games—the medical community is starting to tap into the technology too. With 12% of people developing cognitive decline following anesthesia, Wide Awake VR introduces a powerful alternative to sedatives. In this session, Chief Medical Officer James Clarkson explains how virtual reality can improve patient experiences during awake surgery and empower adults and children to avoid anesthesia to reduce cost, risk and stress. SXSW goers can embark on this VR journey on Friday, March 10, from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Austin Convention Center in room 5ABC. 

HealthTok: Inspiring Health & Trends #ForYou

TikTok is more than just a social media platform—it’s a way to communicate with target audiences. Led by pharmaceutical company Astellas Pharma’s Suzanne Johnson and TikTok’s Inem Lefkoe, this panel explores how physicians are capitalizing on the latest social media trends to improve health outcomes and motivate patients. While the speakers don’t promise to perform any dances, they do plan to discuss how #HealthTok is making a difference. Hear how medical professionals view the platform on Friday, March 10, from 4 to 5 p.m. at the Austin Convention Center, room 6AB. 

Startups: Startup culture has long been defined by its high stakes, competitive nature and knack for generating quick burnout. South By’s Startups Track flips that narrative, centering on stories about groundbreaking innovation from the perspectives of founders, investors, journalists and other guest speakers. Keynotes, panels and mentor sessions teach attendees what to expect, how to deal with challenges and what to do when you’re feeling the pressure. Taking place from March 10 to 14, our team is most excited about the following presentations:

Fall in Love with the Problem, Not the Solution

Although this session’s title may be an unfamiliar sentiment to some, the advice comes from an entrepreneur and two-time unicorn builder who has reaped the benefits firsthand. Uri Levine, co-founder of the popular traffic and navigation app Waze, takes the stage to inspire entrepreneurs to build the next wave of problem-solving technologies and companies. His session will take place on Saturday, March 11 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Hilton Austin Downtown in Salon F. 

Fueling the Creator Economy by Building Community

YouTube has changed the way we think and interact as a society. As the platform has evolved, the creators themselves have learned valuable lessons along the way. Aaron DeBevoise, CEO at Spotter, explains his approach to supporting the creator economy by providing access to the capital and knowledge needed to succeed at scale. Attendees will also hear from Chad Coleman, chief brand officer at Dude Perfect, a YouTube channel with over 58 million subscribers. To attend the panel, head to the Hilton Austin Downtown’s Salon G on Sunday, March 12. The conversation will take place from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. 

Featured Speaker: Everette Taylor on Funding Dreams

Every great achievement starts with a dream. Everette Taylor, CEO at crowdfunding platform Kickstarter, strives to not only make those dreams a reality, but improve accessibility for all people regardless of socio-economic, race, gender and financial means. While Everette’s professional path hasn’t exactly been a traditional one, his accomplishments at a young age and vision for the future will leave attendees inspired to live out their loftiest dreams. Everette’s feature session will be at the Hilton Austin Downtown, Salon H, on Monday, March 13, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 

Game Industry: Passionate about an industry poised for continued growth, video game publishers, advertisers and enthusiasts will share their insights on topics like inclusivity, e-sports and the metaverse from March 12 to 14. Whether you are a video game veteran or a total n00b (that is, new to the gaming scene), this track is your chance to learn about the field from those who know it best. As games across platforms from mobile to console carve their path as a dominant form of entertainment, industry experts will discuss top-of-mind ideas and questions. The Red Fan team has its eyes on the following sessions:

Artist and Music Discovery in Gaming

There are many ways to discover new music and nearly 30% of Gen Z listeners cite video games as a way to discover new music. Led by SoundCloud’s Shauna Alexander, this panel discussion highlights how gaming and music are becoming mutually beneficial and what other trends exist on the horizon. If you’re as interested in both forms of entertainment as we are, you can catch this session at the Fairmont, Manchester GG, on Tuesday, March 14, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 

The Future of Play: New Platforms, Games and Tech

While predicting the future isn’t an exact science, industry experts from Pragma Platform, Mountaintop Studios and Bad Robot Games will band together to contemplate what it could look like. As gaming norms continue to evolve and the metaverse and crypto gain ground, new platforms and games will naturally emerge. Want a sneak peek of what’s next? Don’t miss this session on Sunday, March 12, from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Fairmont, Manchester GG. 

Future-Proofing Diversity in Gaming

When diversity is lacking, organizations are bound to suffer. Ryan Johnson, founder and CEO of Cxmmunity Media, is on a mission to address race disparity in the gaming industry and increase minority representation by investing in the education, economic advancement and visibility of gamers of color. To learn more about his approach and key takeaways that can benefit any organization, plan to attend the session on Tuesday, March 14, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Fairmont, Manchester GG.

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